So here we go, my second time blogging , so by this time next year, I might be going pro (don't worry, I'll remember the little people that got me there). In order to know what I'm talking about, we are going to have to go back, back to a simpler time when things were easier than they are now and gas was about 2.79 a gallon. This takes us all the way back to December 10, 2010. It seems like such a long time ago, until a 30 inch punch of snow to the face hits you (*note-- see our earlier post).
Anywho, Jana and I went out on the 10th for dinner and a movie for her birthday (I'm not allowed to say how old she is). I got her purple flowers and Ruby Tuesdays and The Tourist were on the menu. Great food, good movie and hardly a snowflake in sight. We enjoyed a little shopping beforehand and then Marla joined us for the movie. As we were leaving the mall, the snow began to fall and I'm pretty sure it didn't stop until....well until everyone in the state was screaming at the sky to quit.
I was supposed to work on Saturday at 9am, but I woke up to a 3 foot high pile in the driveway and decided it just wasn't going to happen. (again see our earlier post for what happened that day) We ended up just hanging out at home just because we were unable to go or do anything else.
Marla decided to get Jana a gag gift...that being a pregnancy journal and a baby outfit hence the look. |
Her birthday was Sunday and her gift was the first thing on our to do list. I gave her a Tom Tom so she can never say she doesn't know where she is going ever again. This was good because we headed to a Christmas party that was moved from Saturday and needed it's help to get there! It was a good time all around but the real celebration (in my mind) was Jana's b-day! We didn't have time to make a cake at home, so we got some cupcakes from the store and she blew out candles on them instead while I sang a terrible rendition of the birthday song! (I saved everyone the pain, and we just took pictures, because a video would break your computer screens)
...and guess what.... more snow is in the forecast just in time for Christmas! (that was sarcasm, by the way)
Hurray! Happy Birthday Jana and well done James. The post was great and I love that Marla got you a gag gift. Too funny. I'm sorry about the snow. I promise, I'm doing my best to pray some of it to Boston.