Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lookin' good Jimmy

Softball season has arrived!  For the past two years, James has participated in playing softball with his co-workers. All of the law firms in the minneapolis area participate and compete against one another.  He really enjoys being able to play.  They make jerseys for the season and everything!  Last year James' nickname on the back of his shirt was Wally.  Our friend Logan gave him that one obviously playing off his last name.  My dad actually still calls him that:) 

This year we had to think of something different.  The team captain gave me a list of nicknames of what she thought would be good.....needless to say James was not fond of any of them.  I rattled off a bunch of nicknames for him, each one being rejected by James...and then it happened, I made the most perfect nickname for James.  TDOW.  That's right.  TALL DRINK OF WATER.  He is isn't he?

On James and I very first date we were talking about being tall and having a hard time to find other tall people to date.  James then went on to tell me about how this old lady came up to him when he was working as a manager at CUB Foods in St. Cloud.  She couldn't reach an item so she asked for his help.....and then told him what a tall drink of water he was. It was a great story.


  1. I like the nickname. Nicely done.

  2. Seriously all the law firms play soft ball? I can't even imagine that out here. It would be the funniest thing ever. Does their team usually win? Did you ever play?

    I like the nickname. I would really like to hear people yell it out as he goes up to bat though. You know that's your duty right? You better be the loudest cheerer there. :)

    - Sarah

  3. We have yet to lose this year, 4-0... we are supposed to have played 6 games so far, but we had a few rain outs.

    I think we won 2 games all of last year, so this is a big improvement.

    Jana played one game last year, and it didn't really interest her after that, so she decided to take her talents elsewhere :)
